What Parents have to say about our program...We sent a small survey out to the parents of our riders asking the questions: What does MHR do well and how has the program impacted your child's life? Below is a sampling of their responses...
What our Heroes on Horseback riders
“I have known a peace which I have not known for 30 years! My PTSD, nightmares and cancer – I have had a few nightmares. I used to have them every night – now they are all but gone! Working with Shanelle (instructor) – she has been so patient with me. Always taking time to explain why we are doing what we are doing. She has turned me into a horseman!! I can’t wait to start up again.” Andre...
“Lowered stress and better balance.” “Has helped me build my self-confidence, it’s relaxing and fun! I like getting to know the horses." "Relaxing.” “I like working with horses.” Charles...
“To relax and the weight I lose is great!” “Fresh Air” Dan...
“I liked the horses.” Edwin…
“I always am looking forward to spending time with the positive folks at the ranch. It always gives me a chance to pass my own expectations." "Without a doubt, for the past 4 years, my time at the ranch is the highlight of my summers. The time I spend with the horses has honestly made me a much happier person. I don’t remember caring about an animal as much as I do these horses. Each time I go to the ranch our wonderful instructor always has lots of new things to teach us about working with the horses. Thinking safety for ourselves, the horses and the other riders is always first. The rest is just a fun learning experience that we keep building on each visit. It’s become a home for me with a super cool family. I thank all the staff at Majestic Hills for their kindness and friendship and Kim that has a heart of the size of the moon for making this possible” John...
“I liked all the volunteers and staff and look forward to continuing to come out to the ranch!” Karl...
“Relaxing out at Majestic Hills Ranch.” Ralph...
“Pleased to ride horses again after 80 years. Love the staff & volunteers. I will bring my family & grandchildren. I got to meet one of my former students who is a volunteer. Love the outdoors.” Steven...
“It’s a great program and I am glad to be a part of it and to ride a horse is great fun!" "Stronger Legs” Tom...
“It has helped me tremendously. It is a learning experience for me about horses. What I like the most is the horses and the nature and scenery around Majestic Hills Ranch.” |
“Equine-Assisted Therapies and Activities at Majestic Hills Ranch has helped me with my PTSD. Helped keep me grounded. The people are amazing. Also, becoming familiar with horses faced my fears.” Joe...
“I love horses and to work with them alone was a positive as a double leg amputee. This helps me know that I can still participate. The facilities are excellent for disabled to use and the animals are calm and they are calming when we participated. The staff and helpers were very helpful and friendly.” Bruce...
“I love being around horses and those who also love them. I feel a greater sense of belonging. My disabilities are positively affected physically. Like learning about all parts of riding and bonding with the horses. Edwin, Jen, Larry, Erik, Jackie and everyone are better than the written/spoken word can say.” Dale...
“To feel like there is more to life” “The people are nice and patient” Jerry...
“Liked that the staff and volunteers were open to looking out for everyone! Made sure every one of us had fun.” Jodi (Therapist)...
“Very peaceful. Staff & volunteers are wonderful. Thank you for the time frame provided the veterans so we were able to come out and participate. Thank you for being so confident for our veterans. Thanks for being calm and the positive attitude towards the veterans.” Joe...
“Calms down my raging spirit” “Zeus & Apollo (horses) are fine gentlemen with good manners and funny humor. A person can learn a lot from their outstanding traits.” “I like the delegation of authority. We are trusted and expected to contact the horses, saddle them up, lead them and ride them with PRIDE! Thank You and God Bless You!” Meridith...
“I like the outdoors, Majestic Hills Ranch is a peaceful place to be.” Rickey...
“Every year I learned something new; I never stop learning. After 3 years of riding Apollo, the past year and one half I learned about Zeus. Mainly I learned the character of each horse.” Suzanne...
“I have multiple health issues, not the least of which is walking/mobility. I’ve gotten comments from friends on how much I look like my walking has improved. It still hurts like crazy but I notice some improvement too and I love horses. I have made some nice friends. I’m learning to ride better. I’m getting better at tack.” |
What professionals have to say about