Paperwork for 2025 has been updated!
Click on the links below to download them
Click on the links below to download them
- We currently have a waiting list for new riders.
- We begin scheduling classes with returning riders in March and then pull off our waiting list to fill up class openings.
All forms are currently updated for the 2025 riding season. We will be e-mailing them out to the parents of existing riders during the first week of March. Scheduling is always on a first-come-first-serve basis, so please send all your paperwork in as soon as possible. We have divided the forms into Children (riders under 18 years) and Adults (over 18 years.) We are beginning to add adult-specific classes to accommodate those over the age of 18 - so please make sure to choose the correct forms.
Classes for the 2025 riding spring session are expected to begin May 5th (Monday) and will go through November 6th (the last of the Thursday makeup classes.) We will be closed on the following days: Memorial Day [Monday, May 28th] and Labor Day [Monday, September 1st].
Classes for the 2025 riding spring session are expected to begin May 5th (Monday) and will go through November 6th (the last of the Thursday makeup classes.) We will be closed on the following days: Memorial Day [Monday, May 28th] and Labor Day [Monday, September 1st].
Class days and times for 2025 are as follows:
Children Classes
(for riders under the age of 18. We consider riders to be under 18 if their birth date is after November 1, 2006 ) Advanced Riders
(These classes are for our riders that are working on advanced off-lead skills and they must be recommended by an instructor to participate in them. Riders can be of any age.) Spring, Summer, and Fall sessions: Adult Classes
(for riders over the age of 18 years. Riders are considered over 18 if their birthday is before October 31, 2007.) |
Paperwork for NEW Riders.
All forms need to be completed fully to be added to our waiting list. Physician's orders also need to be signed and submitted.
All forms need to be completed fully to be added to our waiting list. Physician's orders also need to be signed and submitted.
Paperwork for RETURNING Riders.
All forms need to be updated and submitted for scheduling.
All forms need to be updated and submitted for scheduling.
Specialty Forms.
These are forms that are specific to certain diagnosis. Please download and fill out all that apply for your child. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Kris Zieska at [email protected]. Our fax number is: 952-595-5193 |
Brochure for the Children's Program.
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